Sunday, July 10, 2022

Bee Serious!

I think I led you to believe that the Friendly snakes were my nemesis in the yard. But maybe not anymore.

Last Sunday while digging out some landscape rocks by the end of the driveway. Something got under my shirt – no, not hubby – and managed to sting me twice on my right side before I could get it out from under the fabric. It was a painful sting. I yelled "Oww, ouch, oww!" all the way to the house.

I'm not allergic like my epipen-carrying husband, but I always feel a bit woozy afterwards. This time it was not the woozy I was worried about. It was the pain. Not your standard bumble-bee but maybe a hornet rolling up its sleeves like above or wicked ground bee. Either way. So hurtful. And that lasted on and off for two days while the site of the sting grew a nice reddish itchy-owie area as big as my hand. Finally tempered that with some hydro-cortisone and lots of lotion.

Exactly one week later and I'm push-mowing the areas that our rider can't reach. I feel that stab of pain again. This time right on top of my right foot where it bends. Ouch. Mother mother! I iced it and then put some of that hydro-cortisone on it. That did nothing for the pain.

I tool a Benedryl and went to Wal-Mart to grab some "medical" pain relieve like the Sting Kill ointment (did do diddly) and Dermaplast something spray (that also didn't remove the pain). So I tried some baking soda trick. Not doing it either. I just need something to numb the area like they do at the dentist or doctor's office. 

Any suggestions? I'd like to get some sleep tonight. Thanks. 

Bee careful out there!

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