Thursday, July 7, 2022

Stop and Smell the ... Road Construction

Now that I'm back in the office (a.k.a. commuting) 3 days a week, road construction matters. 

On a typical day – winter or summer, pandemic or pre-pandemic – the thriving metropolis of Plover is the bottleneck to work. Anyone commuting from Rapids to Stevens Point would agree. Always busy in the morning with the traffic going to work and same on the say home. And so many stoplights!

Now there is road construction on my main interstate route to work and the backup route through Plover and into Whiting then Point. 

The only good thing about being stopped for the length of two stoplights is that while I'm idling there, I can see the pretty purple and yellow Viking flowers in the median.

I stop but on't have time to get out and smell them. But do have enough time to snap a picture or two and take a deep breath or two. Calm down. Enjoy the view out your driver's window. Appreciate the orange barrels, too. (That's right, I do like orange!) And remember the traffic will move eventually. 

Work will still be there when you get there.

And there's a good chance the purple, yellow, and orange "decorations" will still be there on your drive home.

Be careful out there! Find the beauty, folks.

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