Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Rocky Mountain Hi and Hello

Had a very nice past 24 hours. The kids traveled from Colorado to Wisconsin this weekend and got up to our place last night around 7 p.m. So nice to hug my boy after 3 months!!

And Mamie, too, of course! We pretty much just sat in the living room and talked and caught up for 4 hours. It was just so nice! This momma's heart was smiling! 

They're around to visit family since Carter just finished up his contracted job with the study abroad company. And Mamie could take a few days off. We talked about next steps since their lease in Denver is up in late October. There is plenty of uncertainty since Carter was waiting to hear about a job he interviewed for with the same company.

This morning he got the good news! They're hiring him in a full-time position – like real adult one with benefits and everything! We're so excited and so relieved! It continues to be fully remote so we'll see where the dart lands on the U.S. dart board next. 

Late this afternoon, we said our goodbyes with some extra-long hugs and they headed south to the Platteville-Potosi area to see her family. This should hold me awhile.

Unless I get the urge to see fall colors in the Rockies. Not unheard of.

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