Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Artist in residence

Any parent will tell you, close to a truckload of art projects find their way home to us each school year. Of course, no matter what they look like, we are proud of each one (and say so!) and are occasionally thrilled some creative DNA has reached another generation.

Carter has a new art teacher this year. One of his first lessons was line drawings. I was never any good at this stuff, but this teacher had a great idea. He turned the item they were "copying" upside down so the kids were concentrating on the lines -- not the image.

I hope you can tell by the picture at right that their big project was drawing Mona Lisa. You can barely make out Carter's name on the lower right -- it looks like it's written upside down because during the activity, that was the top left of the paper and, therefore, rightside up. (Stop and re-read. It does make sense.)

We told Carter he did a great job. He was especially pleased with the background. "We got to choose the background setting so I drew her sitting in a monster truck!"

Mona Lisa in a monster truck?! And they say kids aren't using their imagination these days!

1 comment:

Rayna Delaney said...

NO! That's NOT a picture of Mona Lisa....that's his MOMMA with her new hairstyle! When we goin' to see a picture of that????

REALLY NEAT, Carter! I have read about that way of drawing before & I tried it once & it's really surprising how well a person does using their Left brain instead of Right brain... or is it the other way around? Rayna