Saturday, November 10, 2007

Surprise! :: Part 2

Shh... Don't tell anyone in my house, but I am listening to Christmas music as I type this! I've popped in one of Manhein Steamroller CDs and I am in the mood to get this holiday season started!

Now that Halloween is over, it is safe to talk about Christmas, just not time yet to crank the volume on the holiday tunes unless others are out of earshot. Some people just aren't ready for it yet. I can't help but love this time of year -- and cooking up surprises left and right. Yes, these are the kind of surprises I do like!

I'm sure any parent will agree. This is our opportunity -- our responsibility, really -- to help spread the magic. We are selfishly grateful that for just one more year, our children still believe in Santa. Still believe in surprises. Still believe in the power of giving.

For the past few years, Jim and I have concentrated our "surprise" efforts on gifts for the boys. The bigger boys are getting tougher and tougher to buy for each year, but Carter still lives in that bubble of anticipation and happiness around Christmastime.

During this same time period, Jim and I haven't really given each other gifts. We try to get something for the family or for the house. Last year, we painted our living room and got new furniture. "Santa" still had to buy something little for our stockings, though, so we're not left out on Christmas morning.

Honestly, I have so much fun trying to surprise others, I don't mind knowing what I'm getting. And this year will be no different. Since we had the day off together yesterday, Jim and I managed to get some Christmas shopping done. (Wow, before Thanksgiving even!) We helped Santa pick out a Carhartt jacket for Daddy and a set of golf clubs for Mommy. What? No gifts for the house? They must have been very good this year!

To cap off our day, we attended a surprise 40th birthday party for someone at work. And he really was totally surprised! That was cool.

It really does feel good to give when someone isn't expecting anything. Isn't that was this season is all about? The greatest gift? What a wonderful surprise! No wonder I love Christmas!

OK, I better shut off this music before I get busted! Plus, I have more surprises to plan -- and actually have wrapping to do! Let the season begin...


Anonymous said...

Do you have enough paper to wrap those golf clubs???

Robyn Austin said...

I'm sure Santa has that covered. If not, yes, I have a good supply!

Anonymous said...

Oh my God! Jim has joined the "Redneck Carhartt Club". Welcome Jim. I remember it wasn't too many years ago that your wife, God bless her soul, didn't know what Carhartt's were or what the big deal was. I'm sure you have told her that they now make a woman's line. But, unfortunately Santa gave me a new Carhartt last year so I still have the man's version. That's okay. Sorry for giving you grief Loving Sister. Glad to hear I'm not the only one that has started listening to Christmas music. There's just something about it. Lene

Anonymous said...

Oh my God! Jim has joined the "Redneck Carhartt Club". Welcome Jim. I remember it wasn't too many years ago that your wife, God bless her soul, didn't know what Carhartt's were or what the big deal was. I'm sure you have told her that they now make a woman's line. But, unfortunately Santa gave me a new Carhartt last year so I still have the man's version. That's okay. Sorry for giving you grief Loving Sister. Glad to hear I'm not the only one that has started listening to Christmas music. There's just something about it. Lene

Anonymous said...

I have discovered that crazy blondes born and raised in the northwoods are uncontrollably attracted to the Carhartt Rednecks - Robyn said the jacket looked good on me when I tried it on - so I thought I'd give it a try. Can't wait til Christmas morning! jim