Sunday, November 4, 2007

Fired up

Did you hear the air horn sound off from our deck just a moment ago? The Vikings finally got a win! And by some stroke of luck, we actually got to watch the game on TV. We don't see too many of their games here in the heart of Packer country, so it was awesome to see a good one!

It was especially sweet to see them beat the Chargers. The last time I watched them play, it was in person, and it wasn't pretty.

Four years ago this weekend actually, Jim and I flew out to San Diego expecting to see a rockin' game. The Vikings had started out undefeated. We were on a roll. So on a whim -- and trust me, we don't have whims very often -- we decided to go out to the game and stay with a couple I knew through my new job.

At first, we were lucky to even get there. Just like this fall, the dry conditions and Santa Ana winds had fed wildfires everywhere out there. Just days before we were supposed to fly out, our friends had many of their belongings packed and were on standby for evacuation. Fortunately for them, the winds subsided, the fires were under control and their visitors from Wisconsin were able to come. Unfortunately for us, we still flew out there and learned an expensive lesson in humility.

I can't remember the exact circumstances, but for some reason Chargers QB Drew Brees was benched and old man Doug Flutie got to quarterback. He had just turned 41 so we were thinking: No problem, we'll kick his retirement butt.

Never underestimate the little guy. With his help, the Chargers kicked our purple pride all over San Diego, soundly defeating us 42-28. It was a long trolley ride back to the 'burbs. At least we enjoyed some sightseeing and sailing while we were out there -- so I did get a few scrapbook pages out of the trip! (Priorities, you know!)

Having learned my lesson in pride and all that, I will quietly enjoy the feeling of a W this week... and maybe not so quietly hope we stay "on fire" for next week's match-up against the Pack. I think I know better than to talk smack or boast prematurely. I think I know better... but that hasn't stopped me before!

1 comment:

Rayna Delaney said...

Anybody who is a "normal, sane" fan of either the Packers or Vikings will know and expect that anything can happen when those two teams meet.... regardless of their win-loss records. However there are those die-hard fans who insist that their team WILL WIN regardless of their win-loss records. The Packer-Viking match-ups always provide a preliminary excitement. However as we "old-timers" know, the actual game usually ends up anti-climatic, right?