Sunday, November 25, 2007

Cookie Monsters

Carter and I spent two days Up North for my family's annual Cookie Bake & Exchange. I'm not sure when this started as a tradition, but for several years now we've gotten together the Saturday after Thanksgiving to bake cookies then exchange 'em.

What we learned early on is that it's nearly impossible for 10 people to get their cookies baked in one afternoon -- especially when the recipes call for varying oven temperatures. As a result, most of us make our treats ahead of time, then just show up to eat, visit, play games and eat some more. Then go home with at least 10 plates of different cookies. M-m-m. What could be better?

I can tell you the cookies are not the best part of the Cookie Bake. Here are some things that are even better ...

* Listening to Christmas music the whole way up and back -- except for the intermission where we had to play the Dark Side of the Moon CD. Daddy wasn't with but I'm sure he'll be proud when I tell him that. (He also didn't have to listen to the 12 Days of Christmas 4 times! He'll probably feel pretty good about that, too.)

* Watching Carter get to play with his cousin -- my great-nephew Anthony -- who he only gets to see 2-3 times a year. They are both the same age and it so interesting to see each year how much they are alike -- and different!

* Connecting with the previous and next generations while playing new board games and card games and old favorites.

* Seeing my dad try to sneak in new rules for those games so he can win!

* Catching up with my niece, who doesn't have e-mail (the nerve) so I am often out of touch with her. Apparently that phone weighs 400 pounds. One of these days, I'll figure out how to bench press it and call her!

* Helping "taste test" the new recipes. "M-m-m. What's in here?" "Well the recipe uses 1 1/2 sticks of butter." Ohmigosh. Sorry I asked. "May I have another?"

* Drawing names, making wish lists and finalizing Christmas plans. We only have one month of shopping left?!

* Arriving home safely to a totally clean kitchen and refrigerator (Thanks, honey!) -- and of course, a Vikings win!

* Helping Jim and Casey "taste test" the treats. Oh, did I already mention that? I guess the cookies are a pretty important part of the Cookie Bake after all!

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