Thursday, November 29, 2007

Glass half something

I pride myself in trying to find the positive in situations but this week has been a tough one. In our corporate world we've had some layoffs, job eliminations really, so I'll be saying goodbye soon to some of my workers and some friends.

Of course, with the announcement of terminating employees and some publications (including a few of mine), there is feverish activity to determine how to move forward, control the message in and outside the walls, and establish who may be doing what. This is the main reason why I have not had time (or taken time) to write. Secondary to that is the fact that I'm just plain bummed.

Sure I'm grateful that my hubby and I were spared, but it's tough to feel good when there is much disappointment, frustration and fear in the atmosphere. They say everything in life happens for a reason. I do believe that. But sometimes I really have to search hard for what that reason might be.

In this case, with the under-performing publications out of the way, my remaining team members can focus on our core brands and help them succeed. It could be a good thing. But until my glass changes from half empty to half full, I may not see that.

To cope, four of us "girls" have taken tomorrow off and we are going shopping. Nothing like a little retail therapy to fill that glass!

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