Monday, November 5, 2007

In the dark

The clocks on the walls are all changed now to reflect Daylight Saving Time. But our internal clocks are a bit off kilter.

I don't mind when we "fall back" -- but just for that one night when we get an extra hour of sleep. What I don't like is driving home from the work in the dark. And, within probably two weeks, we'll be driving to work in the dark, too.

Could it be worse? Yes. Guess what I saw today? Not to use any four-letter words in the blog, but there was SNOW in Wisconsin today. I thought I saw a few flakes outside my window, but was in denial. Jim confirmed later that it snowed just a teensy bit on his way home. According to Mr. Weatherman, we might get snow showers a couple of times this week.

Yuck! I guess I'm not ready yet. Why can't we do this one step at time? Change the clocks one day and oh, say a month later, we get the climate change. I could deal with that!

In the meantime, I'll have to be sure to take a walk at lunchtime so I actually see some sunlight. I'll have to be more productive at work since I won't be able to read anything during the commute. But first and foremost, I'll have to see if I can find Carter's winter jacket from last year -- then pray it still fits!

See, I told you I'm not ready. You'd think Mother Nature would understand we mothers need a period of adjustment before we spend another extended period of time in the dark!

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