Monday, May 12, 2008

Manic Monday

Hump (or Lump) Day: Bravery can take on many different faces. There are those like my brother and two of my nephews who are willing to serve the country in the military. There are others who find courage to fight cancer or leave an abusive relationship. There are children who "have to be brave" and get their immunization shots.

Then there's me, a certifiable wimp who isn't brave enough to go to the doctor when something's wrong.

Two years after my initial visit with my doctor about a lump on my head, I finally got the courage to go have it removed. I knew all along it wasn't life-threatening, only a bit bothersome with certain hairstyles and wearing certain hats.

My doctor has been ready and willing to cut me open. I just haven't been ready and willing to let him. Finally the other day when my friend was in labor, I said, "If Jana can go through labor then I can get this stupid lump cut off." So I made the appointment and my Monday morning was set.

I won't talk you through the procedure, because I get queasy just thinking about it, but I now have "a sizable divot," 5 stitches and no lump! I managed to get to work and that went OK until the anesthetic started wearing off. Ouch! Good thing I have some pain meds left from my root canal last month (wait, that's twice I've been brave in 2008!).

Special Guest: On Mother's Day, we added another child to our household roster -- but not in the way you'd think. My stepson Clay has moved in and will be living with us through the end of the school year. Our primary goal is to get him to school, where he's missed an average of two days a week this year. We'll also be focusing on homework to get some grades up to passing level. It will be a challenge this late in the game, but that's part of what parenting is all about, right? We love him too much to give up on him. (Prayers are appreciated.)

It's 5 o'clock somewhere:
This morning Carter and Daddy were watching sports on TV when a commercial came on. Daddy says: "Wow, 7:30 is a little early for a beer commercial." Carter says: "Maybe that's for the people in New York." (I'll stick with my shredded wheat!)

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