Saturday, June 20, 2009

Hot Stuff

It's nice to sleep in and wake up to an absolutely blank calendar page on a Saturday. I can't tell you when the last time was that happened. Well, I guess I could tell you, but I'd have to get off my lazy butt to do it. And moving was not on the calendar!

When I took my first cup of coffee out on the deck, it was already sunny and 70. I thought, "I could sit here all day!" But that didn't happen. Even though there was nothing "to do" in writing, there's always things to do.

Got my normal Saturday dusting, vacuuming, etc, done and laundry going. Was ready to relax right around high noon.

It was so warm, we had to turn the air-conditioning on today. I got just a little sun watering my flowers (the ones I haven't killed yet) and taking a 2-mile walk with Carter. Then I hung around indoors watching the U.S. Open off and on and scanning in some pictures.

When we were cleaning out the garage before graduation we came across a box of old pictures -- well old as in late '80s and early '90s. Picked out the ones that had family and friends I am reconnected with on Facebook. Had some fun sharing that trip down memory lane!

This evening, we rode with Jim's parents to the races in Marshfield. Temps were still in the 80s so Colin was hot again (in more ways than one). He was fast qualifier and won the feature -- moving his way up to the front during the first 7 laps, then holding the lead for the last 13. Exciting stuff.

Pretty small crowd tonight. There were easily way more bugs than people. I guess Colin's got all kinds of fans!

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