Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Time Flies

They mentioned on the news this morning that it was 15 years ago today that O.J. Simpson led police on a low-speed chase along California highways in that now-famous white Bronco. Fifteen years? Where has the time gone?

I happen to remember that evening well (like most major news events in the '90s) because I was working at a daily newspaper at the time and that wreaked havoc with our Friday night deadline. What is going on? How long is this going to take? What happens when they catch him? How soon will they file a story for us to use?

Who knew that it would be such a pivotal event? For that day and time anyway.

I don't really care so much about that particular news story or event. I was mainly shocked that 15 years have gone by so quickly. They aren't kidding when they say "time flies."

Today is my sister Rachel's birthday (5 of us have June birthdays). Remember a year ago at this time I was counting down to my 40th birthday extravaganza? You'll notice I've wisely held my tongue this year. I still tell people (and I will for another week or so) that "I just turned 40." But 41? Somehow that just sounds old! I mean, you can still send cash or gifts or whatever, but I'm not going to be renting a cotton candy machine or anything...

When we dropped Carter off at Kidz Camp this morning, I told the gals at the fitness center that I actually brought my gym bag today and would be working out. I practically had to reintroduce myself to them since it had "been awhile." (Thanks mainly to the work project.) When I got back to the car, I calculated and realized that it had actually been 3 months since I'd been there! 3 months!

Not only does time fly, it also expands your waistline when you're not looking...

It did feel good to work out today. I unfortunately feel like I'm starting over at square one but before I know it, I'll be looking back fondly at how healthy and fit I was trying to be waaaay back when I was 40!

Even then, I bet I'll still be "cheating" with cool treats at Shivers... or King Cone... or DQ...

Time changes things but it's good to know that the awesomeness of ice cream (and any tasty fake dairy products) will remain the same.

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