Monday, June 1, 2009

Summer Rental

There is a large number of people out there who get a kick out of renting a vehicle and driving without any regard for keeping the car in good condition. Heck, it's not theirs. They just have to return it (preferably in one piece). In other words, they "beat" it -- like they did to those poor mules who were rented out before automobiles came along.

When I went to the chiropractor this morning, I told him I treated myself like a rental car this weekend. I knew I'd be seeing him first thing Monday, so I "beat" myself -- pushing the physical limits of my back -- knowing I'd turn myself in today for a body refund of sorts.

Unfortunately, the combination of bending over to landscape, hefting shovels of dirt, reaching repetitively while painting, and pushing the mower were a bit too much. I'm actually going to have to go back on Friday so he can continue to work on me.

Good thing I was only beaten like a rented mule and didn't take on any other characteristics. I hear they're ornery and stubborn. Doesn't sound like anyone I know...


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