Sunday, May 31, 2009


Just some Sunday snippets...

Clean Sweep: We did not make it to the races in Marshfield yesterday. But got a call late last night from Jim's sister (Colin's mom). Colin had fastest qualifying time for superstocks, won the "Dash for Cash" (a 4- or 5-lap quick race), won his heat race and won the feature. He is on a roll! Not bad for a 15-year-old ... and school isn't even out. Think back for a minute: Were you having this much fun the summer between your sophomore and junior years? Crazy.

Honoring the Graduates: This morning we attended a baccalaureate service and brunch at Casey's church. When I saw hubby walking in with his oldest boy, decked out in his red cap and gown, I got a lump in my throat. Where did the time go? How can they grow up so fast? Crazy.

Octo-Mom: I was teasing my mom recently that she was the original Octo-Mom. I'm pretty sure (make that definite) she's grateful she didn't have all 8 of us at the same time! I was thinking today how all moms are like octo in the sense we are usually juggling 8 things at once. We are master multi-taskers. Today, after finishing painting (yay), I actually volunteered to mow the front yard so I could get some sun and exercise. I was octo-Robyn: mowing, sunning, burning calories, listening to music, singing (hopefully drowned out by the mower), chewing gum, sweating and thinking (about a lot of stuff, including what to blog about). That's 8! Crazy.

Party Prep: Got more things crossed off our to-do list today. Everyone helped. In fact, I told Carter he had to be helping one of us or in his room reading. He helped and he managed to get his book done so he can test on it tomorrow. I got a start on my mints tonight. Ideally I'll do a few dozen each evening and then they'll get done. Yes, folks, you heard it here first -- a plan vs. procrastination. Crazy.

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