Thursday, May 28, 2009

Nice Recovery

Contrary to what my husband might say, I don't mind being wrong. I mean seriously, on the rare occasion it happens, I can own up to it. So I'm rescinding my Tuesday blog. The Bad News Bears are not back to stay. They were only making a brief -- but bumbling -- appearance. But more on that later...

Yesterday afternoon, Carter called me at work from school saying his eye hurt. I asked him a bevy of questions to which he answered no... not swollen, not red (or pink) or black & blue, not itchy, not watery. It just feels "like it's gonna pop out of my head."

After talking to his wise babysitter, we figured out he was getting a headache because one of his 12-year molars was probably coming in. Of course, Mr. Anti-Medicine did not want to take anything for the pain. So during the night -- while I slept soundly (apparently very, very, very soundly) -- Carter was up 3 times complaining his ear hurt. Daddy took care of him and gave me the report when I rolled my lazy butt out of bed this morning.

I did some checking on the Internet and learned that when the 12-year molars come in, they do cause pain and sometimes cause the ear tube to swell, giving symptoms similar to an ear ache. So I forced some medicine down Carter before school today and told him to tough it out as best he could.

He was on the schedule to give a presentation today and I didn't want him to miss that either. You gotta feel bad for a kid in pain having to do a stand-up comedy routine. Good thing that got delayed another day! He also knew he needed to get through the school day to play baseball tonight. Good thing he did, too!

Our Tigers were hitting machines tonight! Carter's first at bat was a sweet hit to right field (2 RBIs). His second time up was a nice single (another RBI), then he walked and finally, struck out. Everyone was on fire. And while there was a very brief glimpse of da Bears in the last inning, the Tigers held on to win 16-6. Awesome! Too bad they can't spread out the hits over a few games to assure more wins. At least it brings us back up to .500.

After the game, I stopped at the store to get some more Motrin for Carter. He didn't even fight taking it. He actually liked the snazzy new "tropical fruit punch" flavor. Good marketing.

So while Daddy and Carter are celebrating their victory (Jim didn't want to leave the ballpark -- he wanted to "bask in the glow")... I am doing a happy dance of my own. I got the scrapbookin' grad project DONE last night! Whoo-hoo!

So I guess compared to how the week started for all of us, it was a pretty darn nice recovery. And the Schwan's man just stopped by -- so you know it just got even better.

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