Monday, May 11, 2009

Nothing Important

How can it be another Monday already? I need time to slow down just a teeny bit in the next month, if possible. There's just too much going on. Mostly just little things that add up. Besides what I've mentioned already, here's what's been keeping us busy lately. Nothing important. And, trust me, I don't mind uneventful...

Assembly Required: I believe it took 5-6 hours over two Sundays, but Daddy has the new basketball hoop and stand assembled for Carter. Next on the list: A new grill. We need to get one soon and when we do, Jim says, "I don't care what we have to pay. We are not assembling it!" Amen.

Score Keeper: I spent part of Sunday afternoon watching baseball on TV while Coach Austin taught me how to keep the score book. Last season, when Christine, our co-coach's wife and score keeper, had to miss a game, I realized I had no clue how to keep the score book in her absence. Sure I can keep score, but there's a little more to it than that. I found out it was not as complicated as I feared. So I can now be a backup score keeper and respected member of the Coaches' Wives Club (yes we are television drama-worthy!).

Just Chatting: Thanks to the "need" to connect via email with his pen pal, Carter is now really into online chatting. He's "talked" to this girl from Stevens Point a few times. I guess it's quicker than going through the snail-mail between the two schools. But it doesn't do anything for his penmanship. (Wow, do I sound like my mother!)

Green Thumb:
Speaking of my mother.... I noticed this morning that the Violet next to my kitchen sink is blooming. This is a banner day for me. I inherited my mother's green eyes -- not her green thumb. So for something plant-like (in my house or yard) to actually live, let alone bloom, is unheard of with Ms. Black Thumb here. Very cool. I probably should take a picture, seriously. If it's still alive when I get home from work...

Which reminds me. I better get my nose back to the grindstone. Don't want to be here any longer than necessary! Have a good week!

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