Friday, May 22, 2009

Summer Hours

Last year, our company implemented Summer Hours on Fridays, where we are "dismissed" at 3 p.m. instead of 5 p.m. (which means our brains start shutting down at noon). These run from Memorial Day to Labor Day, and are ideal for those who travel on weekends -- or like to golf Friday afternoons.

The one nice thing about having what feels like an early Memorial Day weekend this year is that Summer Hours began today. And hubby and I actually started ours a teeny bit early.

We got up at 4 so we could be to work at 5:30 a.m. I had two incentives: One, I had a project I needed to get done so I wouldn't have to work this weekend or Monday. Two, we had a tee time with our friend Scott at 2:30.

I did finish my project. And we did make our tee time. So mission accomplished. (We should do this every day!)

We golfed at Glen Cairn, an out-of-the-way, hard-to-find course east of Iola, where we took Carter a few times last summer. I golfed much better today than two weeks ago. For only my second time out, I felt pretty good. I didn't have any pars but I did have one BIRDIE, so who cares about the rest? Good time had by all.

When we got home we stood around the neighbor's driveway awhile talking stupid. Carter informed me I should go over there because "They're just standing around" Oh? I said. "And what does B.S. stand for?" He quickly covered his mouth with a guilty look on his face. "It better stand for Being Silly," I said. Of course, Mom.

This evening, Jim and I did make a quick run to Wal-Mart. They had 12 packs of soda (2 bucks!) and chips on sale so I wanted to stock up for the grad party. Sweet!

Tonight we caught some of the Twins' butt-kicking over the Brewers (that's the second day in a row where my Twinkies stomped!). Then we went back next door and sat around the fire ring some more. I decided since we have a lot of things on our "to do" list this weekend, we should take the night off.

Let the Summer Hours begin!

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