Friday, May 8, 2009

TGIF (Thank God It's Finished!)

I'm glad they don't have hidden cameras at work (at least I hope not) because my happy dance yesterday ended up being a cross between a high-fivin' hokey pokey and Elaine's moves on Seinfeld.

But I don't care.

It feels good to have the bulk of my work project done. Sure, there's plenty more to do, but the beauty is that it can be done in "normal" work hours. No more weekends. No more 4 a.m. alarms. (It felt good to sleep in today.)

Naturally, I celebrated in typical Robyn fashion. We stopped at King Cone on the home and I got my ice cream fix (mint chocolate, of course).

But wait. It gets better. The weather was so nice that when we got home, I was able to sit out on the deck a few minutes. It was so relaxing, letting the sun warm my face and clear my mind of all thoughts of data.

If you know me, you know mint and ice cream and sun time all in the same 24-hour period is like the perfect day!

Of course, today is back to reality as I view the list of all that I've neglected to do in the past 6 weeks. There's at least 83 things to do for the graduation party. I'm behind watching episodes of Grey's and Big Bang Theory. I swear I heard Mother's Day is coming up so I'll have to get Mom a card she won't receive until next week. And I'll have to get back to some creative writing before I become the Seinfeld of blogs (about nothing!).

It's bad enough I dance like Elaine.

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