Sunday, May 10, 2009

The Gift of Motherhood

Somewhere in my mother's house there's a box of rocks -- no doubt covered with a little dust, a lotta love and the grandest of intentions.

When I was little, and apparently had no financial resources or creative thoughts, I'd walk down to the lake, select the prettiest rocks along the shoreline and declare: "This is what I'll give Mom for Mother's Day!"

I'd take my new-found gems back up to the house, wash them off further and place them on a washcloth to dry. Only something happened while I was out of the room. My sparking treasures turned into dry, dull, gray or white rocks. Why didn't they stay shiny like the ones we'd see at the Rock and Mineral Shows we'd often go to? I didn't know back then there was that extra step of polishing them. So before I'd put them in the little gift box, I'd lick the rocks one more time for shine, then close the lid.

My mother, bless her heart, would open that box and treat my gift as if it was just as beautiful as I intended it to be. It's the thought that counts, after all.

I've learned that as a mother, too. It's just such a joy to receive a special gift from your child - whether it's a finger painting, a macaroni picture frame, a paper-clip necklace or golf shoes.

Yesterday, on the way to the store, hubby says (so Carter can hear in the backseat), "Well I asked Carter what he was getting for you for Mother's Day and he said love." I said, "That's fine. I'll like that." And Carter pipes up, in his defense, "Well Dad I didn't know it was Mother's Day this weekend!" (I have to learn to drop better hints.)

When we got to the store, Daddy says, "Carter, should we go pick out a card to go with your love?" So off they went. And he picked out a good one that made me laugh this morning.

Of course, Jim had already mentioned last week that I needed to pick out some new golf shoes -- make that, golf sandals -- function, fashion and comfort all in one. So I knew I was getting that (and did today) but I think he wanted to see if Carter had any original thoughts. Hey, I'll take love or rocks any day. (In fact, I did get rocks for landscaping, too!)

Since it was my day, Jim took Carter to Sunday School so I could wake up at my leisure. He then brought home a cappuccino and made me breakfast -- Eggs Benedict -- and declared I didn't even have to exercise today. I was informed there's a law that says you can't gain weight on Mother's Day. I'll believe anything if it involves a tasty homemade breakfast like that.

To ease my guilt, I did get a few things done. Did some housework and laundry. Made a salad to take to the in-laws for dinner. Then took a walk this evening after eating too much there.

I hate to see the day end. It's been pretty darn nice being all spoiled. But who am I kidding? Every day is Mother's Day in this house. I get gifts of love all the time. And once in awhile they throw a rock in so I know it comes from the heart.

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