Sunday, May 17, 2009

Flipping Out

There are television shows now that refer to "Flip this" or "Flip that" -- and what they mean is they are totally changing around the appearance of something by cleaning it, organizing it or gutting it. We flipped our garage today. And boy is my back sore!

This project wasn't really on my agenda today, even though it is on the "to do" list before graduation. I just thought we'd wait until next weekend when it is going to be nicer. But by the time I got home from Sunday School this morning, it was nicer. And hubby was standing in the garage saying, "Are ready to help? This is a big project." And we were off...

We started organizing stuff in 3 piles: toss it; Goodwill it; organize it (later -- and maybe toss it). It's remarkable (not in a good way) what can accumulate in 8 years. Really, how many inflatable pools does one need? Since Carter has been going to Kidz Camp in Iola the last few summers -- and swimming every day -- we've had no need. So those were easy (until Mr. Goodwill told me later they don't take those).

The embarrassing stuff was boxes or plastic containers of stuff we've moved out of old vehicles and just dumped in the garage. (We now have enough bug spray to protect Wisconsin this summer.) And a few boxes I've moved from move to move to move. When I stumbled upon a bag that had the very first shirt I made in high school Home Ec, I can tell you we both said, "Oh my god" and so much more. I had to take a picture to prove my saving sickness. Hubby says, "Is there a meeting for people like you?" I don't think he was kidding.

When I talked to my mom a few times today. I told her I certainly didn't inherit her sewing skills, but I am the super-saver like her. I'm trying to change that. In fact, it felt good saying "Toss it" a lot today. I took a car full to Goodwill and that was cleansing, too. The garage is as good as our garage can get. Not totally flipped, but a partial rotation anyway.

Carter even helped by staying out of the way, mostly, and washing the car in the back yard. Hubby worked far harder than me -- I got caught up in the memory boxes -- so when Carter and I were in town on one of our errands, we stopped at DQ to get us all Blizzards. (Like I needed an excuse. I wonder if there's a meeting for people like that!) I did go for a good 3-mile run/walk later to ease that guilt.

This evening, I made chili for supper then got back to my "creative" computer project. I can't believe the day is almost over. It was very productive, though. And I'd say that's flippin' great!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for you Robyn and Jim. I'm glad I'm not the only one with crap from glove boxes, consoles etc. that hasn't been looked at. Maybe I can find some energy this weekend to do a little flippin'.