Saturday, May 16, 2009

Wind Advisory

I actually had to set an alarm this Saturday morning because I had to report for concession stand duty at 8:30 a.m. When I had signed up -- back in February -- I took the early shift, assuming Carter's games would be at 10 or 11 a.m. this year. Not the case. All of his games were at 2 p.m. so I had quite a gap between the end of my shift at 10:30 and game time. That didn't concern me.

Today I was more concerned about staying warm. When I left the house, it was 41 degrees with a wind chill (yes, a wind chill!) of 33 degrees. Stinkin' B-R-R! I had several layers on, plus gloves, during my shift. This can't be the middle of May, can it? (In fact, they called off the races tonight knowing that I wasn't the only wimp around so they'd be drawing a mighty small crowd in the cold.)

By Carter's game, it was sunny but not a whole lot warmer. Jim and I sat in the car for the most part to watch the game. Our friend Mike and his son Nate stopped to watch, too. So the four of us sat in our warm little Honda Civic and chit-chatted while witnessing a season-ending victory.

Carter ended up playing goalie the whole game. He didn't let any by him today. It was kind of funny in the second half. When he had the wind at his back, he booted that ball down to the opposite goal several times. Too bad his alignment was just off. That would have been a memorable score!

Afterwards, the guys went home and I went grocery shopping. By the time I got home, it was after 4:30. I'm glad these late soccer games are over now. We'll get our Saturdays back!

Of course, it was still plenty light out when I got home and after supper. I probably should have gone for a walk but every time I heard that wind howling, I changed my mind. Instead, I sat in front of the computer, working on a surprise project for the graduate.

Now it's well after my bedtime again. It's suppose to freeze tonight. So my hanging plant is in and my blanket is on. Just another spring day in Wisconsin!

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