Sunday, October 11, 2009

Bye Week

I like when the Packers are on bye because that's about the only time they air the Vikings games in my neck of the woods.

So we got to see them stomp on a winless team and we liked it! I have to give props to our defense today. We certainly aren't ready in our household to give that No. 4 all the credit!

By the way, one of the comedians last night said something funny about Brett Favre. "If I'm ever commissioner of the NFL and someone retires twice and comes back, I am going to make them start every game until they're 65." Good call, Tim Wilson!

After the game, I changed out of my Purple Pride gear, went for a quick run (well not really "quick" by real runners' standards) and then had to switch into my lucky Twins clothes. I even re-did my fingernails red & blue.

Carter and I did everything we could to get those Twins to win. Before the game we wished on the wishbone from last week's turkey. We ate our Twinkies. We were waving those Homer Hankies as hard as we could... But those damn Yankees!

The one thing I don't like about a bye week is when it literally means "bye" ... as in goodbye, so long, see ya next spring, Twins.

Gotta go pack up my Homer Hankies now. I'll just use regular Kleenex to wipe my tears. Don't want to ruin whatever good karma is left for 2010.

1 comment:

Rayna Delaney said...

It sounds like it's "bye" to fall too, with winter right on your tail!