Thursday, October 8, 2009

Fill in the Blank

After I picked up Carter at the sitter's, we got home and Carter heads straight for the TV and says, "What channel is it on?"

"What channel is what on?" I ask.

"The Twins game!" he says.

"Oh honey, they don't play tonight."

So now what? We've had these high-intensity evenings all week and suddenly nothing?! How do we fill the void? Fill in this blank?

For one thing, Carter had homework. I also had some cleaning to do since I hadn't touched anything all week. Plus, Sylvester must be doing her fall "shedding" because I had to vacuum -- which normally can wait Saturday to Saturday.

I timed it so I was vacuuming upstairs (main level) while Carter was practicing his trumpet downstairs in the basement. Not that he's bad. He's actually way better than I expected. I just thought we should do all the noise at once... be courteous to kitty, who by the way, hasn't even slept in our bed with Daddy not there. Fine by me.

We had to run over to Jim's sister's house tonight, too, to get some stadium seats to use at the races tomorrow night. Yes, we've got one more race to go. Colin and his uncle Flyin' Bryan Reffner will both be taking part in the Oktoberfest races in La Crosse.

I was really excited about this about a month ago. But now, after seeing the forecast, am really talking myself into getting excited. I did go out and buy some new long underwear. Tomorrow morning I'll have to run quick into town and get some of those hand warmer things that I hope I can put anywhere! (Like in my shoes, in my back pockets... What were you thinking?!) I painted my fingernails Reffner Blue, too, so really I am all set. Just need the attitude adjustment and a whole lotta layers and we're good!

While all this was going on, Jim was delayed in 80-degree Tampa and now, just called a few minutes ago and is delayed in Chicago. So I'll be sound asleep by the time he gets home about 1:30 a.m.

I could stay up and wait for him, but honestly, if I'm going to fill in the blank for the evening, I choose sleep. Gotta stock up anyway. Lord knows what time we'll get home from the Deep Freeze tomorrow night!

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