Friday, October 23, 2009

Dateline :: Friday

Raise the Roof: We slept under a new roof last night. No, we didn't go anywhere. Just got a new "cover" on top of our humble abode. Since hubby is editor of a metal roofing magazine, we had to go metal or else! It looks nice. If it ever gets sunny (or just NOT raining), I will get some pictures. I'm looking forward to an energy-efficient home this winter without any leaks when it's icy. Yay!

Rained Out: Speaking of rain.... It rained again all day. Poor Jim had to drive to Chicago and back today for work. He was just glad it wasn't snowing like north of here! Carter was supposed to have soccer practice. We did last time it rained so I booked it home from work only to find out it was called off. I'm secretly glad. (Well, not too secretly.) Not like it would have mattered to me since I would have been one of the wimps in their cars. Tomorrow is his last game so we'll see what the weatherman brings.

School Closings: No matter what happens this weekend, there has already been a decision made to close one of our junior highs on Monday. Our district has a threshold of a 30% absenteeism rate to consider closure. So far, the elementary schools are doing OK with the dreaded Swine Flu. Maybe Carter really did quit kissing the girls. I wonder what's going on at the junior high, though...

Birthday Boy: My dad turned 82 today. Amazing to think of what he has all seen and done in his 8+ decades, isn't it? I still haven't gotten ahold of him so either one of his other generous children (who live closer) is taking him out to eat -- or he found a birthday "treat" at a casino that was irresistible. Hmmm. Kids these days. They don't let anyone know where they are!

Chocolate Cravings: Since Carter just finished the book Charlie and Chocolate Factory this week, I promised him we'd rent the Willy Wonka movie. I didn't want him to watch it before he tested on the book since movies and books don't always jive. I made sure we got the old-school Gene Wilder one instead of the newer one with Johnny Depp. Nothing wrong with spending 2 hours with Johnny Depp, mind you, but you can't beat Gene Wilder's sarcasm in the original. Love it! Of course, now we're both craving chocolate!

At least we'll have sweet dreams.

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