Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Tuesday Tidbits

Suuuu-eeeyyy: Is that how it sounds when you call a pig? I don't know. Just letting you know a friend of mine at work has swine flu. So yes, it does exist. And yes, you'd be wise to at least look into what the symptoms are, etc., and remember to wash your hands and those good things your mama told you. Carter at least has had a regular flu shot and they will do the H1N1 shots at the school soon. Here's to your health!

Playing it by Ear: People who can literally play something by ear are really gifted musicians. Carter is trying to be one, too. Just one month into this trumpet business and he was attempting to play the intro notes to Europe's Final Countdown and Johnny Cash's Ring of Fire -- without sheet music. I was the lucky audience member. He says, "That sounds just like it, doesn't it, Mom?" Sure, honey. I mean it did a little bit ... after he told me what it was. At least he's got goals.

Quite Capable: Jim went to parent-teacher conferences tonight for our much-loved somewhat-reformed truant. Of course all the teachers like Clay. What's not to like? He's a great kid with a big heart. He just needs to keep showing up for class and, while he's there, turn in his assignments. "He's quite capable," they said. "He just needs to apply himself." That probably holds true for all of us.

All Gone: That snow completely left us. Not a trace of it. Could I have dreamt that? I know we didn't dream up the temps in the 20s. They're still here, clinging like those last leaves fighting to hang on the tree one more day. If I had it my way, I'd prefer the festive foliage stayed and the chills took a hike. But when do I get things my way?

The Sweetest Thing: One of my girlfriends has learned that life really can change in the blink of an eye. Her husband (who is my husband's age!) had a heart attack last week. A heart attack! Thankfully they got to the hospital in time and he'll be fine. As fine as someone can be, that is. With Sweetest Day coming up, I think the sweetest thing you can do for someone you love is strive to be healthier -- and support them in their efforts, too. I'd sure like it if you all could hang around longer.

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