Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Time Out, Sports Fans

I apologize to the non-sports fans who read my blog. I certainly didn’t intend to get so wrapped up in professional sports this week. But I tell ya, it certainly has been a pleasant distraction!

My mind has been free from those everyday nuisances like not-quite-reformed teenage truants and not-so-everyday concerns like friends losing jobs, loved ones who are sick or need extra prayers. I guess, selfishly, it’s been kind of nice.

Even my boss commented that I’ve been in too good of a mood this week. I suppose it would be considered “too good” when I’m surrounded by non-winning Packer fans and non-playoff-bound Brewer fans. Not that I rub it in. I just keep to myself and smile a lot. (People might just think it’s because hubby’s out of town!)

I do have a good number of people on my prayer list these days. Part of me feels grateful I have it good (for today anyway) and part of me feels so helpless that all I can offer is my prayers. Why can't they have it easy?!

I was reminded, however, that even when it seems we are in our darkest hours, we wouldn’t want to be in someone else’s shoes either. Yes, we may have it worse than some, but honestly, we are better off than many.

A friend of mine who was in the hospital last week then at Mayo Clinic for tests told me about someone she met there. While waiting between appointments, a little girl, about 4 or 5 years old, toting her own IV, came up to her and asked her where her “owie” is. My friend told her and the little girl, who had a scarf wrapped around her head, responded, “I have an owie in my brain.” Turns out little Hailey – who smiled at my friend and offered her a special Band-Aid – has brain cancer.

How would you like to be that girl’s mother? Or her father? Or even an aunt, uncle, grandparent or friend?

My eyes tear up just thinking about it.

Do you know how blessed we are? If you have forgotten, take a look around you. Does it really matter if your favorite team wins or loses? Not in the grand scheme of things, no. But I wouldn’t trade a minute of this week – especially the bonding time with my baby who, by the grace of God, is healthy today.

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