Saturday, October 17, 2009

The Sweetest Thing

Today is Sweetest Day. Sweetest what? Yeah, I know. It's totally a Hallmark holiday... created so people spend their money on more cards just to say the same thing they do on Valentine's Day -- and hopefully every day in between.

Don't know too many people who actually "observe" it, but for some reason hubby and I always have. Well, he has. I don't always remember.

My biggest excuse, and I do have one, is that I have usually been off on my sisters weekend on Sweetest Day weekend. I'd come back from that to a special gift from him and all I have to offer him is a hug and maybe leftover chocolate (but c'mon, there's rarely chocolate left after a Wild Women's Weekend). This year WWW was in September so I actually remembered this romantic non-holiday.

I actually got a card ahead of time and a new book about the 1975 World Series (with hubby's Reds) that he is very excited to read. I didn't even bother with chocolate.

What did I get? I'll tell you.

This morning was our turn to put in our 2 hours in the concessions stand for soccer. I am almost always the one who does concessions -- mainly because I sign Carter up for the sports but sometimes because Jim is coaching or assisting.

Today we wake up and it's something like 32 or 33 degrees out. My sweet, sweet, sweet hubby says he'll go work the concession stand this time. I can just stay in the warm bed. What a gift! Seriously, it wasn't a whole lot warmer at game time (noon) so I knew it was a chilly morning for him. What a sweetie!

We enjoyed some time with our other sweetheart, too. We watched Carter make 2 goals today in a tough 4-3 loss against the best team. Later, the 3 of us played Monopoly on our special edition Vikings board. Now that's sweet. But wait, it gets better. Those 2 were so sweet, they actually let me win for the first time ever. Trust me, that's probably their story but I'm here to tell you I honestly kicked some butt today!

Tonight Carter has a friend sleeping over so I don't expect they'll be any more romance happening. But we gotta spread it out you know. Valentine's is still 4 months away.

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