Monday, October 12, 2009

Happy Columbus Day

Today, while we observe Christopher Columbus Day with no mail (is there really any other way we observe it?), I made a few discoveries of my own...

I discovered I shouldn't talk smart about living in an anti-snow globe. I knew it would catch up with me! It snowed all day today but, thankfully, we were on the edge of the system (yes, I will be obsessed with radar now until spring) so it was kind of rainy at times and nothing stuck. Yay! I'm not ready for winter just yet.

I discovered I do have a minute amount of self-control. Carter and I noticed that they already have eggnog in the grocery section at Wal-Mart. I bypassed it since they didn't have any of the "light" stuff. But honestly, I don't know how long I can hold out. Especially when it's snowing. (Shouldn't we be Christmas shopping soon?)

I discovered I actually do have a few fond memories of high school after all. Tonight we went to a Fall Concert at the high school. I was having flashbacks to our choir days at Luck High. We had a lot of fun and we always felt like we were totally impressing our parents with our songs! Tonight my stepson Clay impressed us, too. He's in the A Cappella Choir. They sang one of my old favorites, Shut De Do' by Randy Stonehill. To give you some idea how long I've been singing that song, my brother "burned" a copy of it from his album to a cassette tape when I was in high school. Thanks for the memories. (Oh wait, that's a different song.)

I discovered (well, I knew this one) that I really can't do the whole staying up way past my bedtime thing 4 nights in a row. I better hit the hay soon. I actually have to work 5 days in a row this week. I know. Who does that any more?

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