Saturday, July 10, 2010

Hail of a Day

Day 3 of the car show dawned so hot and sunny, I made the mistake of declaring that the weather gods were certainly smiling on Iola this year. That lasted awhile anyway...

It was a busy enough day but my mission was to get out of there by 3 p.m. to get to Carter's second tourney game at 4:45. Yes, while all this excitement at the car show has been going on, in my other parallel life as a wife and mother, we've had basketball (3-day camp this week) and baseball (weekend tourney) on the mind. In fact, we all had to get up early this morning because Carter's first tournament game in Nekoosa began at 8 a.m.

About the time hubby emailed me in the early afternoon to indicate they got smoked 10-zip, he also said it was pouring rain in Rapids. I couldn't believe it since it was sunny in Iola. But it didn't take long for the storm to rumble across Portage County and into Waupaca County. We battened down the hatches of our vending trailer and I was on my way to the car at 2:30.

They made an announcement about the impending storm but one look at the clouds and people were making a mad dash to get out of there! As a result, we actually had a bit of a traffic jam in little old Iola.

I'm not kidding! When I finally turned south and got about a mile south of town, I ran into a another one. This one was slow-going traffic that stretched nearly 3 miles to Scandinavia. By the time I got to Scandinavia, the rain was pouring and winds were howling. After seeing a tree limb on a side street, I pulled into some friends' driveway and waited it out a good 10 minutes. When it felt like it was letting up, I hit the road. Good thing I waited.

Turns out I just missed driving in the hail! That would not have been fun!

We didn't get much at home, though, but it hit in various points around Rapids. The weather was wicked enough in Nekoosa, too, to delay the start of Carter's second game. So as it turned out, I didn't miss a minute of it. Good thing, too!

Carter had a double, a ground out and a strikeout. Thanks to some homers by his teammates, though, the 11-under Rapids Rage team won 7-6! Whoo-hoo! We get to play tomorrow!!

Our friends' son Nate is filling in on the team this weekend for 2 boys who are gone. So we have him staying overnight tonight. It's hard to come off all that excitement and say, "OK boys, go to bed so we can get up early and do it all over again." Hopefully we can!

I know I for one, will welcome getting into my bed any minute now. And sleeping in well past the 5:25 a.m. alarm that has been torturing me for 3 days!

Once I catch up, I also have some more show pictures to post. But I better set a good example for the boys and get to bed...

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