Sunday, July 11, 2010

Random Acts of Car-ness

I appreciate you hanging out with me and my Car Show observations through rose-colored (or beer-colored?) glasses. Here are a few random photos along with random thoughts...

Just about everyone is buying or selling something at the car show. When this guy saw the shirts we had for sale, he asked if we could make a custom one for him that said: I love Old Cars and "mature" women. We should have charged him 10 bucks for a Magic Marker and made one up!

I've heard of flaming, but... This guy either has a very nice wife or mother who made him a matching hat -- just in case he has trouble dressing himself.

Like Mr. Clash here on the right, who seems to be eyeing Nearly Naked Guy with envy... for his "simple" wardrobe.

I guess if you don't want to call attention to your clothes or body or big-ass earring, you can get a few tattoos to distract people. Seems to work for this car fan.

Not so much for this one.

You know what the say about birds of a feather... I knew they flocked together but I didn't know they attended car shows together, too.

Perhaps they were trying to mate with this hat??

Speaking of hats, I tried to be the stepmom of the year and get this for my stepson Casey. Unfortunately the guy was not willing to part with it. Can you blame him??

For a moment I thought I saw a member of DEVO but it was just a guy wearing a hub cap for a hat. (I think I like the PBR hat better, don't you?)

At a quick glance, this looked like a sinister pirate about to set sail on the Dark Ship of Evil. Johnny Depp, eat your heart out!

Hey, Dude, Woodstock is the other way... This is the Iola Car Show. (And I can't wait for next year, can you?)

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