Saturday, July 3, 2010

One More Thing to Celebrate

The Austin "power week" is drawing to a close. It started off with a parade on Sunday (purely coincidence), my birthday Monday, our anniversary Thursday and now hubby's birthday today. We've had fireworks at least 2 times and there could be more.

Today, as I mentioned, we had one more thing to celebrate -- Jim's birthday. Carter got him a Daisy Red Ryder BB Gun to get those damn squirrels eating our bird seed. I got him the book Sh*t My Dad Says, which should be pretty funny if it's like the same-named Twitter and Facebook accounts.

Despite the fact it was the "old man's" day, he still mowed some grass while Carter and I took a short bike ride. Later, Carter and I finally got to watch his Percy Jackson movie on DVD. It was pretty good. We both agreed the books are way better!

Did some grocery shopping in town this afternoon and got back in time for us to head up to Marshfield for another evening of racing. This was a big 80-lap feature for Colin's super late model car. Colin did win the heat race (his first, so that was cool) and then had a top-15 finish in the feature. We gave Jim's parents a ride up there and left after the feature. None of us cared much about staying for fireworks.

Frankly, it's way past my bedtime again and I am starting to feel it. I guess we're all getting old around here!

I think that's it for our celebrations this week. Of course, there's always the Fourth. I hear that's a good reason to party. And do fireworks!

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