Monday, January 17, 2011

Girls' Day In

I managed to work two 5-day weeks in a row this year before taking a day off. This one, though, was a company holiday so I felt no guilt about having to get any work done. And, as luck would have it, two of my girlfriends were also off today for MLK Day, so we all decided to be slackers together!

We actually couldn't have planned a "Girls' Day In" on a better day. It snowed all morning and most of the day so really, who would want to get out and do anything anyway?

My wonderful hubby got up early so he could take Carter to school (allowing the pre-teen to get a valued extra 45 minutes of sleep). Then, when I rolled out of bed, he took me into town to my friend Christine's so I didn't have to brave the slick roads and see snow pile up on the car all day. What a honey!

My day didn't get too strenuous after that either. Christine, Jenny and I had a movie -- and munchie -- marathon. Chick flicks only! Naturally. We watched 27 Dresses, followed by The Proposal, then Mamma Mia!

During this whole time, we snacked. And snacked. And snacked. Christine just got a fondue pot so we had beer bread dipped in cheese for the mid-morning snack. Then shrimp and chicken cooked in oil for the lunch-time snack. Then mini-cheesecake bites dipped in chocolate for the afternoon snack. Did I need supper tonight? No!

That was a nice getaway for some laughing and singing and crying (getting choked up a bit anyway), plus plain old girl time.

At home, hubby had to crank up the snowblower and did some chores around the house but I think he relaxed a little and enjoyed his day of quiet solitude. It's not like either one of us felt we had to take advantage of a free day and make it a super-productive one.

Thank goodness! I'll take a Girls' Day In any time!

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