Monday, January 3, 2011

Just Say No

There is a magnet on my fridge that says: "Stop me before I volunteer again." I need to read it and remember that in 2011 if I want to keep my sanity.

I am a tad stressed and exhausted after an early and long day back at work, then helping with homework tonight. Standing by themselves, neither were that stressful or laborious. But together, with a few other "chores" thrown in there for good measure, I am spent and not blog worthy.

Welcome back to reality, I guess!

If I can just say "no" occasionally, I will soon realize the world will not come to an end. People can learn to stand on their own. That way, their successes are their own -- not mine -- and their failures are their own, too.

Then I can move on with my list of things to do! First thing, bed...

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