Sunday, January 30, 2011

Spring into Action

We get excited here in the Midwest when the temps rise above 30 on a January day. After 40-some years of suffering through Wisconsin Winters, I know better.

The brainwashed part of my mind, however, still falls for it. Still gets psyched up. Still enjoys the anticipation of a new season. Even though I know with certainty -- no matter what Punxatawny Phil says later this week -- we have at least 6 more weeks of the cold, the ice, the snow.

But we didn't today.

Since Carter and I got up for early church, we were home at a reasonable time for me to get my Saturday chores I neglected yesterday done by noon today. Got some lunch ready for the guys and headed outside.

I knew I needed to get a run in and I prefer outdoors to the boring treadmill. So I was excited. It was sunny, about 33 and parts of the road were actually clear. Excellent!

The problem, as usual, is when I encounter cars and they don't want me hogging the road, I am forced to jump to the side. Today, unfortunately, the edge of the road was a slushy, sloppy mess. Good thing I had thick socks on!

My run itself, timewise, was pathetic but at least I was finally getting out there. I have no choice but to spring into action. I've got 5 weeks 'til a 5-mile race and I haven't started prepping at all. A run here and there and that's it. So this was good to get started. I've got a game plan now and I just have to stick to it.

Now if only I could apply this to other areas of my life. I have even less time to get ready for Camp Crop-A-Lot! I better spring into some serious action there! And that won't be nearly as painful.

Hope the "warm" weather found a way to stir your motivation, too!

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