Thursday, February 16, 2012

Briefing Room

Some Thursday briefs for you...

Deadlining: Apparently Carter likes to write on deadline, too. It was bedtime last night and he said he "just had a health paper left." As in he had to write and type a page-long paper that I'm not sure he had done any research for yet. But since the topic was Mood Disorders, I wisely kept my mouth shut and went to bed. (He did get it done, but I don't know what time.)

A New F Word: I decided my new Foam Roller could be used as a weapon to interrogate or torture terrorists. Yes, it does cause that much pain. But oh, it is so worth it. For the first time in 3 months, I got up out of bed this morning and absolutely nothing hurt! It's easy to use. You just roll your hip and leg over it and pause once in awhile in the real tender spots -- which for me is the entire hip to knee area. When you pause and it feels like someone is drilling into you, 30 seconds is a long time! This little device can instill labor-like pain but it is a miracle worker. Now I just have to keep using it so I can keep running.

Batter Up: Hubby had to work the baseball signups last night for the Rapids league. For the first time in many years, he is not coaching. He's got his reason. So now we have to cross our fingers someone drafts Carter (well, that's guaranteed with our entry fee) and that he is worth the signing bonus! The weird thing will be that there's a chance I won't be joined at the hip (my good one) to my fellow Coaches Wives Club member Christine. It will also be weird not cooking, er keeping, the books, too. Maybe I can just sit back and relax!

This Message Brought to You By: Of course, with Carter's baseball signup comes a box of World's Finest Chocolate candy bars! For just $1 you can get your hands (and mouth) on a Milk Chocolate, Almond, Crisp or Caramel bar PLUS get a coupon for free bread sticks at Pizza Hut. How can you turn that down? Well thanks to my ingenious marketing skills, I did sell half the box at work already. So if you want one before they're gone, speak now or forever hold your peace.

Or just until the next fundraiser.

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