Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Deadline Smeadline

For a person who makes a living on deadlines, I sure am lax about it after hours.

A year ago, I heard about a writing competition I figured was right up my alley. The problem was that I learned about it after the fact and missed any opportunity to participate. Late last week, I remembered to look it up for 2012. Turns out the deadline was to be Valentine's Day so I had a few days to come up with an entry.

The contest was named after Erma Bombeck, who I fashion to be an influence of sorts, and the word count was merely 450 words. Well that it easy, I said to myself. All I have to do is pick a blog and submit it. So easy, right?

Well I had 2 things working against me: time and volume.

My search time was limited because we were gone all of Friday, Saturday and Monday -- and I was feeling "blah" on Sunday. The volume challenge was that I have written 1,659 blogs. Oh yes I have! I am coming up on the 5-year anniversary of a daily spewing of words and I am supposed to remember the good ones??

My head was spinning.

I gave it lots of thought and had some in mind. My plan was to set aside Tuesday evening -- all of it -- to get one chosen and submitted before midnight. I thought my biggest problem was a late start since my in-laws were over until 7:30. But that wasn't it.

When I looked online to double-check what format they needed, it said in huge red glaring letters: Competition Closed.

Grrr. Foiled again.

Well, as much as I usually pay attention to details, I overlooked the actual time of the deadline. It was not midnight. Not even close. It was 7:59 a.m. EST. I didn't have a chance.

I was bummed but it's my own fault. I did take some positives from this experience, though. Because, well, that is what I try to do.

First, I am darn proud I could actually ramble on in some coherent fashion 1,659 times (1,660 if you count this one)!

Secondly, I realize there are a lot of writing competitions out there that I still have time to enter. It happens my company holds some of the largest ones but as an employee, I am ineligible. Fortunately, there are lots of others to choose from.

Third, this just motivates me to write more! Whether it's Erma style or something else, I am going to keep going.

The worst that could happen is I miss another deadline. And what are the chances of that??

Oops. Gotta run. Don't want to be late to pick up Carter...

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