Friday, February 3, 2012

TGIsF (Thank God it's Scrappin' Friday)

It's way past my bedtime (again) so I'll just be brief.

Carter returned to school today so he could enjoy his field trip to the indoor water park. So I rode with Jim to work and he drove me over to Stevens Point during lunch so I could get scrapping. I wasn't feeling that great, but we stopped for a Shamrock Shake on the way and that seemed to do the trick. Who knew about the healing powers of fake mint??

As luck (and I mean luck) would have it, when my scrap sister Jenny arrived at the retreat several hours later, she was carrying in a Shamrock Shake. Make that two -- one was for me! OK, my diet certainly doesn't call for 2 in one day. Thankfully they were small.

And they are good medicine!

I did feel better and kept focused. I am working on my 2011 book right. Got 10 pages done today so I am right on schedule -- according to my own personal expectations, that is. So now I just need a quick 8 hours of sleep so I can head back up there in the morning.

There's a good chance I'll dream about scrapbooking tonight. But an even greater chance I'll dream about little green leprechauns!

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