Monday, February 20, 2012

Thank You, Mr. President

For some reason, our company gives us Presidents Day off. I won't fight their decision.

It was nice to sleep in and ease into my Monday! Ran a few errands in town, then hunkered down to business in the Scrap Cave and got everything together for this coming weekend's Camp Crop-A-Lot.

Is it wrong to be counting down to another 3-day weekend before the first one is done? I don't think so.

After I got that together, I did get a little work done. Just had to do it. Hubby actually drove to Iola to do his work -- but he didn't have much choice. He's flying to Florida in the morning (again) so he had to get three days of work done.

This time I won't be so jealous that he's somewhere warm. I really can't complain how mild it is. Today it topped 40. Sunny but quite windy -- which I discovered when I went out for a run. Did 3 miles again but kept to the run/walk schedule. Every time I finish and my hip feels fine, I run up the front steps like I'm Rocky Balboa! It feels like that big of an accomplishment!

After that, I really allowed myself to be lazy. I made supper for Carter -- since Jim is gone to help with baseball signups again -- and now am waiting to watch The Voice. Yes, I have a day off AND I get the remote tonight...

Thank you, Mr. President!

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