Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap Frog

I don't doubt all of us have wished at one time or another that we could have an extra day. Every 4 years, that wish is granted on Feb. 29. In my humble opinion, though, we should be allowed to take a rain check and cash it in, say, sometime in the summer when we could use it to shovel out of a big sand trap instead of shoveling out of a slushy winter storm mess!

The big one of the winter dropped a foot of snow Up North in my family's neck of the woods but gave us, as predicted, a lot of ice and slushy build-up on the roads and our driveway.

I suppose I can't totally complain about the "extra" day. When my alarm went off at 5:44 and I saw that every school between here and Iola was closed, I told Carter to go back to bed -- and hubby and I did the same. That was nice to sleep in and just saunter over to my "cubicle" in my PJs with fresh coffee in hand.

I actually had a few hours of work done before Carter decided to get up! It was about that time that Round 2 started. We got more freezing drizzle and light snow throughout the afternoon. Jim left early to drive to the airport and it was mainly rain down toward Madison so he was lucky that way.

We had enough of the wet stuff here, too. After work, I trudged outside with the shovel and it way too heavy to lift. Not worth killing my back over. Plus, I couldn't shovel much anyway since our driveway is mostly under water!! We have a little pond out there that I will have to figure out how to navigate through.

I expect it is turning into to an ice rink as we speak. I just hope all those little Leap frogs got out OK and back to their real pond!

Happy Leap Day!

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