Friday, September 28, 2012

Colorful Treat

It's not unusual to throw caution to the wind and do something wild on Wild Women's Weekend. For me that entails having dessert with breakfast. Nothing follows up good ham and cheese scrambled eggs like a piece of chocolate!

Today, though, we got treats all day long. Only the first included any calories.

Yes, we found some ice cream. Duh. That was mapped out ahead of time so we knew exactly which convenience store was selling good, "hard" ice cream. So when we finally ambled off our property, we enjoyed a single scoop of yummy-ness in the afternoon. Then it was on to the next treat...

Mother Nature's brilliant array of fall colors!

We drove around the area, taking side roads and back roads and practically unmarked roads, looking at the beautiful leaves and pretty scenery around the numerous nearby lakes. My sister Rayna and I had a field day trying to capture the perfect images on our cameras. Actually, we all were doing that. Rayna and I just happened to jump out of the car first, with cameras in hand.

Besides the colorful leaves, we saw still-water reflections that took our breath away and, at one point, watched 3 bald eagles across a pond. Unfortunately, they were just too far away for my camera to capture in any detail, but we have the image in our minds and, I'm sure at some point I'll share a blurry picture!

This evening we dined at some lodge that served a delicious fish fry! We followed that up with some entertaining "what happens at Sister Weekend stays at Sister Weekend" fun.

I connected with hubby via text and learned he is fighting off a cold and Carter is recovering from a new PR in his cross country meet in Fond du lac. That's so awesome! I am glad I'll be around for his next meet.

Now I need to go out in the full moonlight and hope I get a cell phone signal so I can talk to them in person. I think I'll join the girls around the campfire anyway. Someone's gotta protect them from the wildlife.

And I don't mean US!

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