Saturday, September 8, 2012

What the Flock?

Some naughty kids "flocked" their parents' yard overnight to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary!

If you are unfamiliar with the term, this is what my in-laws woke up to -- a flock of pink flamingos. The purpose? So everyone asks them "Why are there pink flamingos in your yard?" And they can tell them about their golden anniversary... and, I suppose, their sneaky, rotten kids! (Technically, someone else did the "flocking," but you know who will get blamed for it!)

That's what happens when they refuse a big party and put the son and daughter in charge of "entertainment." Ha. We did take them out to eat tonight so we had a nice family meal with 4 of our 5, plus Jim's sister's family of 3. Afterwards, it was yummy cake!

A great way to end a day that started pretty rough.

We laid to rest Jim's friend Davey today. After dropping Carter off at school to catch the bus to his cross country meet in Stevens Point (which unfortunately was at the same time), we spent the morning at the funeral home. Jim gave his eulogy during graveside services at noon. Bless him. He got through it OK, bringing laughter and tears. It was really thoughtful and well-written (naturally).

While the "gang" was getting together for fellowship afterward, I picked up Carter from school and shuffled him home before heading over to the saloon/restaurant to join them.

Carter had great news! He set a new PR (remember, that's personal record) at his meet this morning. His recent PR was 25:19. Today he clocked a finish at about 24:30. The official time hasn't been posted yet and, since I wasn't there to keep track, we're going on his best estimate. Even off by a few seconds, that's great! I told him he'd enjoy running in cool weather!!

Hopefully I'll have a similar experience for my run tomorrow. Probably be close to the same conditions on the trail run. A bit wet and slippery from rain today and cool temps around 50. I like that part!

I suppose I should get decent rest tonight. I probably didn't prepare myself too well before race day -- between a big ol' twice-baked potato for supper and then cake, too.

I have a feeling when I am halfway through my race tomorrow, my whole body is going to wonder what the "flock" I am doing!

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