Sunday, September 30, 2012

Scenic Route

The 7 sisters parted ways at noon today -- 1 to Texas, 2 to Minnesota, 3 to western Wisconsin and me, heading southeast to Rapids.

Just like my 169.2-mile drive up there, the way back was just as gorgeous with fall colors popping everywhere. I also managed to get the Vikings game on the radio the whole way so I could hear their victory firsthand! Nice bonus.

I happened to get back to Rapids just in time to pick Carter up at school. He and the Assumption H.S. Band marched in the Cranberry Festival Parade in Warrens today. Carter said it was hot and "boring" to play the same song 8 times on the mile route! But I think they all had fun.

Got home and unpacked, got some groceries and attempted to upload some photos. I got a few and now my computer doesn't want anymore. So while you won't get the group photo of the 7 "wild women," here are few colorful snapshots...
Now I can tell you we stayed at Beaver Point Lodge along the Chippewa River just outside of Exeland, Wis.
Lots of leaves floating by in the Chippewa River.
I even captured another moose on film!! This one was in the front yard of the cabin.
Being creative with the milkweed.
Had to pull over when we saw this! Neat reflection and color among the birches!
Another must-stop and see view! Water was just still enough to give us photographer-wannabes a nice shot!
Even facing the sun, the lack of color was striking when I saw the "black" grass and "silver" lily pads floating on the water.

Oh gosh, I have so many pictures between the two "vacations"! I hope I'll get to them soon so I can share some more. Right now I have to remember how to pack a lunch and set an alarm.

Monday is gonna hurt.

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