Monday, September 10, 2012

Duck Hunting

We're starting our countdown. With just 8 days before hubby and I head East, we are trying to get all of our ducks in a row. The problem is, we're not sure which ducks we need to worry about and which ones we still need to hunt down.

I'm starting to make lists as I think of things for our Vermont trip AND my sister weekend trip that comes right on the tail of that. I'm feeling like my parents -- OK, I gotta get my prescriptions refilled, etc. But you know, if you don't write it down, it's not going to be remembered by either of us!

Over the weekend, Jim talked to his cousins that he met the last time he was out there. They are more like his parents' age, not ours, but a really nice couple we've kept in touch with since his last trip 5 years ago. Jim's talked to them a few times in the last month since we booked the trip and last night they told us we can stay at a bed and breakfast 3 doors down from them. Cool. I am staring to get excited.

It shouldn't be hard, but, there are just enough things going on with Carter during our absence that I am feeling bummed about missing. Mainly homecoming... He is dressing up and going and I am missing out on the first major "dress up" -- not quite formal. Sigh. I am "employing" several people to photograph various parts of his weekend for me -- between marching band at the game and the dinner and dance. Just won't be the same, but I appreciate their understanding of a mother and scrapbooker's heart.

It's just more ducks to get in a row.

I fear Grandma and Grandpa Austin are going to get a rude awakening about life as a taxi service. Not only getting Carter where he needs to be, but not forgetting there is another long-haired sibling to tend to. Carter better not forget to feed Sylvester before heading to school each morning!

So many details, details, details. Good thing we got those passports months ago. One duck in line. Many more to go.


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