Thursday, November 7, 2013

In the Crib

It's always nice to have surprise visitors -- especially the long-distance type. And by long distance, I mean from Colorado.

Today, an old (using term nicely) friend and classmate of hubby's stopped by our "crib." He flew into Minneapolis today, drove to central Wisconsin for a business appointment, then stopped here to say "hello" and, of course, play a game of cribbage.

We figured Jim and Pete have probably been playing cribbage for some 30 years. Lots of beers around the board when they played during summers off from college, I've heard. We won't guess at their record, so we'll call it tied. I also won't reveal who won their game this evening. They both enjoyed just sitting opposite each other with the board between them.

By the way, Pete made that beautiful cribbage board by hand and gave it to Jim eons ago. It's gorgeous!

Speaking of gorgeous, I promised Pete that the next time Jim goes out to see him in Colorado, I'm going with! After seeing the pictures from when Jim went out there to see The Who with Pete, I knew I'd have to add it to my short Bucket List.

Well, my List isn't short, but there are things on it I'd like to get to in a Short time from now!

Next summer might be a good time to fly on out to their crib. Pete could use the home field advantage.

Not that that is telling you anything.

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