Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Time to Chill

I will thank you in advance for not judging me... For eating ice cream when it's 11 degrees out.

Hey, it's the limited edition Peppermint Stick. And hey, you did kind of commit to not judging me, didn't you? Plus, I have something to celebrate. I am officially out of the office until Dec. 4. It is time to chill out!

I got the items on my work "to do" list crossed off so I can take a half day off tomorrow, enjoy the paid holiday in the afternoon, Thursday and Friday and then a must-use-or-lose vacation day on Monday. I have to work in the home office next Tuesday since I have a church meeting over lunch hour. So really, I am "off" the premises for a week.


I'm not going to get too excited. It's going to be a whirlwind of a pre-Winter Break.

I am going to couch potato it tonight. Tomorrow I'll have to do some cleaning and prep work for Turkey Day. Thursday we'll have Jim's family over. Friday I will pack, maybe catch some high school hoops at Assumption, hopefully not HAVE to do any Black Friday Shopping. Then Saturday and Sunday are Up North for Cookie Bake.

Come Monday,  I will need a day to chill out... On the couch... Under a warm blanket... Watching Christmas movies...

With Peppermint Stick ice cream.

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