Sunday, November 17, 2013

Sun-less Sunday

I think I have an inkling what it's like to live in Seattle or other places it reportedly rains every day. And I don't like it.

Just another dreary day that never really got light enough for me not to think it was almost time to go to bed! I wasn't tired, though. I got to sleep in since Carter and I went to 10:30 church today so we could attend a luncheon afterward.

High school kids (and their parents) interested in participating in another mission trip this next summer met to eat pizza and discuss options. This past summer we went through the YouthWorks program and it was just an amazing experience. It was just the right group of kids. The right staff at YouthWorks. And the right combination of mission work.

The challenge now is that several of my girls from last year are expecting this next year to be the same. I don't want to trample all over their enthusiasm, but the reality is that experiences like that can't be replicated. For one, it will be a different location -- likely on an Indian reservation in South Dakota. And secondly, it will be a different group. There's a new crop of high schoolers wanting to go and I think that's great.

We'll see what transpires. It's going to be heavily one-sided with Carter and maybe two other boys -- and many more girls. I would go again as a chaperone in a heartbeat. But I, too, would probably expect somewhat of a repeat from last summer. And, frankly, I really want to give another mom a chance to go. It's an experience she won't forget.

After the meeting, I was informed from my ice cream hotline, that it was our Dairy Queen's last day of business until February or so. Naturally, we had to stop. I mean Carter was driving so I was just along for the ride! Ha.

Came home and threw some potatoes in to a crock pot for a new recipe I am trying out for Thanksgiving. Since we are hosting Jim's family, I wanted to be sure these were good, they were enough and they were somewhat easy. Having most of the work done 4 hours ahead is pretty nice. And they were tasty so that's one less thing to worry about that day.

Now to practice pie making!

Didn't do much else today. Vikings weren't on TV here and once again, that's probably for the best. Ugh. Moved a few things from the basement up to my scrap room. Should probably go back down there and work on that some more.

Despite the absence of Mr. Sun all day, I do still have a few more hours left before bedtime. Could potentially even catch another Hallmark movie while sorting through stuff. Now there's a plan!

I should have started earlier...

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