Monday, November 11, 2013

Veteran Salute

We don't give our veterans enough thanks and respect, in my opinion. If they hadn't selflessly given of their time, mental and physical dedication and, sometimes lives, we wouldn't have any of the freedoms we hold so dear. And yet, take for granted.

And I am 100% guilty of that. I try to do better and am thankful we have enough flag-waving holidays during the year to kick my thoughts correctly into gear.

I am also glad that Carter's school does their part -- through music at least -- to include the next generation and educate them about respect and gratitude for these brave men and women.

Carter and the Assumption High School Band played military favorites at our city's annual Veterans Day program in Veterans Park along the river.

My work-at-home hubby was able to escape the office today and play the part of supporter and parental photographer. He now knows what I go through to get a photo of our son in "action." Typical Carter, he put his big baritone in front of his face and even moved to the back of the pack so Dad couldn't take his picture. So I had to rely on a newspaper photographer's pictures on Facebook to show you the event at least.

Carter is in back on the left side of that tree. I recognize his face but I don't expect you to see him unless you have a magnifying glass. Trust me, he's there. He complained about the windchill! At least there wasn't rain like last year.

And, as they were reminded, their lives were not in danger and today's conditions were nothing like what the veterans they were playing for had to endure. I don't even think they could imagine it.

Even I can't. But I do know from stories and history books and movies what it might have been like.

And I respect them for that beyond what any song can portray.

Thank you, veterans!

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