Monday, May 26, 2014

Patriotic Pinball

One would think I did not have a productive day off... after lying in bed 12 hours. Oh, but they would be wrong!

I got a late start to my day but I was on a mission to get a few things done. I sort of felt like a pinball, going in all directions. Too bad I didn't get points each time a task was accomplished.

Since the band performed yesterday, we did not have a Memorial Day service to go to today. Instead, the Austin household scattered. Hubby went golfing. Carter went to the races at Golden Sands. And I stayed at home.


Did some online garage sale organizing this morning and posted some new items while finding a "live and in person" sale I could contribute some items to this coming weekend. That was good to cross off the list.

The guys got my bicycle down from the garage rafters before they left. I dusted it off, pumped up the tires and went for a 5-mile ride. It was another warm day – 84 degrees – and the rain held off. It was a nice little ride. I didn't want to go crazy and do too much the first time out. I am so out of pedaling shape and I will feel it in my legs and backside tomorrow the way it is. Rode past a cemetery and saw several people putting flags and flowers on graves. Said a quiet "thank you" to God for those who sacrificed all for the Red, White and Blue.

After the ride, I showered and ran some errands. Dropped off some graduation party items for a friend and went grocery shopping. Got home and baked Monster Cookies. I had the oven on?!? Yes, I realize it was hot out. But this was my free day and I needed to get them made for a graduation party. Yes, I realize it is three weeks away, but I will be gone the week leading up to it and these freeze well. As long as they are labeled "Josh's Party" so no one eats them!

The guys came back after I was done and I decided to sit out on the deck – in the shade – and read. As predicted, I was a little crisp from yesterday so could not lounge around in the sun with Mr. Deck Chair again. Probably best or I wouldn't have gotten anything done. Didn't last long out there anyway. Mosquitoes!!!

Seriously. We really did jump from Winter to Summer.

Poor Lukas missed our Spring right along with us. Got an email from him today. He checked out our weather and was glad we finally had some decent temperatures here! Now he knows we weren't making it up. Ha.

Always makes my day when I hear from him. Will have to log off and write back to him... even though he is sleeping now. I'll probably go to bed early myself. The alarm will be a rude awakening in the morning. Despite only being up 10 hours, I should sleep well (you know, "good sleeping weather" and all that).

And for the record, I will not turn on my blanket for the first time in 2014!

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