Friday, May 2, 2014

TGIF (Thank God It's Forty?)

In case you were wondering, this was not ideal weather for a boat trip in Wisconsin Dells. Bless Lukas and those German students for surviving that non-May 2nd type weather!

In case you were wondering, this was not ideal weather for a double-header baseball game. Bless Carter and his teammates for whining less than us bleeping cold fans. And for winning both games versus Northland Lutheran.

Just a rotten day that way. Worked hard and long. Sat out and got cold and wet. And now it's well past 10 p.m. and I'm the first one home.

There was another gathering for our overseas guests at someone's house tonight. So Lukas went there instead of freezing his keester off at another ball game. And Carter is there now for a bit.

Can't stay up too late as there is state solo and ensembles tomorrow morning, followed by another double-header in the afternoon. No rain and nearly 60 – but winds gusting at 20-30.

In case you were wondering, it is not ideal weather to have wind chills in May. Ugh. Tell me again why we live here!

Hope you a warm and cozy Friday!

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