Sunday, May 11, 2014

The Mother "Load"

Happy Mother's Day to all you mothers, step-mothers, godmothers, old moms, new moms, almost moms, single moms, angel moms, pet moms, career moms, stay-at-home moms, taxi driver moms, (insert sport here) moms – and everyone who still turns their head every time they hear a child yell "Mom!" ... Make the most of this special day!!

I know I did.

It was definitely a traditional Sunday – as in Day Of Rest... as in I'm A Load!

Started out with brunch with the Austin clan, featuring mothers of the day... me, mother-in-law Donna and sister-in-law Sherry. At first I thought maybe Carter's camera lens needs some cleaning. Then I realized it's just our halos showing!

I had Carter drive me to the restaurant. Hey it's my day off from anything strenuous! After brunch, he drove us over the Plover so he could get a haircut. I guess that's part of a Mother's Day treat since I am the one who does not have to cut it! Since we had a 25-minute wait, we went to Kohl's nearby and bought him some shorts. Nothing for me, thanks. Apparently, as a mother I am supposed to appreciate the child who made me one – and buy him things. Geez.

After the haircut, we just had to stop at Sweet Frog, merely two doors down, to enjoy some frozen yogurt in the sunshine. Make that, the bright sunshine, as you can tell from Carter's squinting. Since it was sunny and in the 70s and the rain forecast appeared to be behind schedule, hubby made a tee time for us. By the time we got home, Carter realized he had too much homework and probably shouldn't accompany us.

So Jim and played a quick 9 holes at The Ridges, having to dodge raindrops occasionally and just getting done as the downpours began. It was so nice to get out again after a long, long, long winter.

I used a pink ball today for Mother's Day and stopped at the 7th hole for an R7 photo since I am "R #7" in my family's birth order. Yes, 8 kids all starting with the letter R. My mom said she was "in a r-r-r-r-utt!"

Speaking of my mother, I did call to wish her a happy Mother's Day but she wasn't home so it appears she is being a load, too, and someone is spoiling her somewhere. That's all we can ask this one day, right ladies?

Hope your Mother's Day was filled with love and special moments with the ones who made you a mom!

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